
"Wherever you go, go with your heart."

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Post orientation ((Odysseus'15))

IJC orientation'15 has officially ended on Thursday night. It was a great 5 days. Well, maybe not that great because my secondary school friends are all in Taurus and Sagittarius while I'm the only one in Aquila.... But it's okay, I do love Aquila. ((Blue house for the win))

Day 1: The first day of orientation started on Friday, 30/1/15. I was assigned to the house of eagles, Aquila. And to be specific, the Star group, Altair. I was so thankful it's not Rasalas ((yellow house)). I've been stucked with yellow house for 13 years of my life. Feel my pain guys!

I won't forget. My first friend was Aliah. She was my seat partner on the first day of school. So thankful that she doesn't create awkwardness among us. We had a chat and realised that both of us stays in the west. ((I suppose because west side people knows each other better???))

Day 2: Woke up to reach school just in time. Second day was great! We had activities like mass dance and cheers. I honestly like mass dance because it really helps to kill time and everyone will just go cray cray! ((although I don't like to dance))

My dance partner was Ryan. It was awkward initially to be honest. The dance requires each pair of partners to hold hands. The girls also have to twirl and shimmy beside the guys.

We were both fine with it so we danced together. LOL. I'm very thankful I didn't get a partner who's shorter than me. At least I'm able to twirl properly with a partner taller than me.


Day 3: Day 3 was somewhat similar to day 2 but we started adding in more dances and cheers. We even started preparing for the campfire on Thursday night. We had cheer wars among the houses. I love cheer wars!!! It makes me feel that Aquila is powerful!

However, among the houses, I feel that Taurus ((Red house)) was the most powerful! Their cheers were clear and loud! I honestly love Taurus and was secretly hoping I could be part of Taurus partially because of my friends!

But I know that there's no way that I can be part of Taurus so I convinced myself that Aquila will be equally great too!

Nevertheless, I always cheer for Taurus and Sagittarius because my friends are there!

Day 4: Day 4 was finally the day of wet games for Aquila and Rasalas! According to my friends from Taurus and Sagittarius, the wet games were awesome! I was looking forward to it!

One of the most memorable wet games station was the hula hoop station where the group has to protect the hoop ((wrapped in newspapers)) held up by the person in the middle. The objective was to destroy the newspapers using waterbombs. We worked closely in order to protect the hoop!! All of us ended up drenched but it was totally fun!!

I couldn't explain how much fun the wet games were but just look at our smiles. It shows our excitement!


Day 5: Day 5 was the last day of the orientation. I honestly don't know to be happy or sad that orientation ended. I liked the activities for the orientation but at the same time it was tiring ((even tiring than school hours)) I can come home at 5+ and feel like slping at 9pm. That's how drained I was.

But I believed that these energy used was worth it!

On the fifth day, we had lots of house time together in preparation for the campfire at night. The houses were each suppose to prepare a story plot ((inclusive of dances and performance)) The story plots and performance planned by the houses will be graded by the judges.

We were also suppose to master our cheers in preparation for the cheer wars during the campfire night.

I was part of the dance -- Zouk during the campfire night. Honestly, I didn't learn the dance moves diligently because as aforementioned, I didn't like dancing. I chose the Zouk group because I didn't want to be part of the Hakka Cheer team either. So when it was Zouk's turn to go up to perform, I was soooooo nervous. I couldn't even remember 3 moves. LOL.

But I'm thankful that there were many potential dancers in front of me, so I just copied what they did.

To be honest, I thought Taurus will be the champion of the night as their dance and cheers were great. But guess what? Aquila was the champion!!!


Had a selfie with friends at Causeway Point that night before we headed home. I'm the only Aquila. Proud to be one!

Secondary school friends

Lastly, I would really like to thank the OGLs and EXCOs for making this orientation such an interesting and successful one!

Anyways, this is officially my IJC uniform. But don't worry. LOL. My blouse won't be that big anymore, I had already asked for 4 sizes smaller.

I actually dislike the uniform but I like the colour of the PE tee!

Lectures officially starts on monday. My subject combi is PCME ((Physics, Chemistry and Math H2; Econs H1))

Last but not least, I think I will become really plump after I graduate from IJC. The food here is really nice!!!! I spent $6 in a day at I-cafe in IJC. The food is not just tempting, it's nice!

I honestly love IJC for its campus and I can't wait to meet my new classmates! :)

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