Hello to all readers! :D Thanks for reading my blog posts all these while even though it took me some time to update it again. Sry for the late update because there was something wrong with the blogger app and I just fixed it not long ago...
So, I shall start off by blogging about the day of Olevel result release!
It was the big day for all the Sec 4E and 5N students who would be collecting our olevel results. Obviously, it was nerve-wracking. To be honest, I wasn't expecting myself to do well because I'm quite bad at languages. So I was very worried, especially worried that the bellcurve will cause me to fail english. ((fail english = very very limited choices, so all I cared for was english. Furthermore, Singapore has many english pros and I'm just like average))
Settled at the hall for quite some time and the principal started addressing the school and stuff. Took quite a while before it was my turn to get my result slip. NERVOUS NERVOUS!!! I don't know if you feel how I felt as you're reading this but I was seriously nervous for ENGLISH because my teacher always give me a B3-C6 for english ((and it always differs)), and what's worse is people usually score 1 grade below their usual grade for english language. ((Was worried that it would be D7, or even E8 cuz I felt that my compo went out of point))
So it was my turn and I went forth to sign and collect the result slip. I wasn't shivering but I was seriously NERVOUS deep down. I don't know what other words to use but NERVOUS. HAHA.
My teacher just smile. ((I mean, she smiles to everyone, so I don't get it either LOL)) Immediately have a quick glance through the result slip!
And guess what? ENGLISH - B3! I couldn't be happier than this seriously. A compo so lousily written and yet still a B3? It has got to be the super ultra friendly oral examiner! So I walk off happily LOL, not even looking at the other subjects.
Then mdm Cheong came over, to see maths results. Wah, so math A1 and amath A2? I was still surprised by my english grade when she said that, so I just nodded and replied nothing LOL.
Then Mrs Chan came. "I thought you'll breakdown!" I was like "huh? breakdown what??" Then I look at my result slip again. LOL.
Combined Humanities - C6. Are you kidding me?!! HAHAHA. But honestly, I was too happy with english that I don't even care about any other subjects anymore. She asked if I did finish my SS & GEOG paper and I said I did. I was shock again afterwards because I have no idea how I got a C6 for combined humanities when I could score at least a B3 for it usually.
I seem okay about it because I see math and english as my priority. But when I open the official result slip, LOL. Combined humanities totally pulled my L1R5 down.
But that's not it. I just want to know how I got a C6 for it when people who don't study can at least get a B4/C5. But nope, I don't want to pay money just to ask them to remark my paper because I still can get into schools of my choice.
Then 黄老师 came and she was like “林盈,你应该考得不错吧?” I knew she was referring to chinese because my overall isn't that good afterall. I'm only eligible for schools like JJC.
I scored a B3 for chinese in the June paper and retook again in november and scored an A2. Not the best grade again, but well, paid money to get myself 1 grade up. My chinese isn't that good either ((because i've no interests in languages)) so I can't expect myself to get an A1 when I didn't even put that much effort in it.
Sent in the JAE-IS 1 day before the deadline. So I've clearly decided that I'll choose my school by the CCA, campus and distance. I don't want to regret the CCA that I've chosen, again. I've decided that it'll be either, Chinese Orchestra, Band or Badminton.
So I've chosen Innova Junior College because I liked the school campus and besides band, there's this really cool Musician's club! :D
And Innova JC has accepted me.
My choices for CCAs would be
1. Band
2. Musician's club
3. Badminton ((Because no chinese orchestra))
So it's official that I'll be in IJC and I'm so glad I wouldn't be going there alone tmr! I have 5 other classmates who will be in the same school as me. HOORAY~~~
I'm glad all these are over and we will be starting a new phase of our lives. Goodluck to all! May the next 2-3 years be a pleasant one :)
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