Received both math and econs papers today. Math was shocking to me, initially, but I got over it after seeing the class' results. Maybe that's just the way JC is.
Before I even start talking about my results, the passing grades for JC papers are E and above. (i.e. A, B, C, D, E) I don't know why is D and E still considered a pass in JC when C already sounds awful enough, but perhaps, it's because papers are tougher in JC.
Anything below E, S (subpass, just sounds nice only) and U (ungraded) are both considered a fail.
Well, math was shocking in a way because I scored a C! What even! This is the third C i'm scoring this summer test. Firstly, it was chemistry. Subsequently, physics and now math. I don't understand how C sounds OKAY to some but to me, it was disappointing although E is the passing grade. I always have high expectations of my math results because it's a subject I really enjoy. I mean, it's the only subject among so many, that you don't have to memorise much. You just have to practice. Isn't it good??? It doesn't waste your memory!
And yes, I was disappointed because I had never scored C for math in my secondary school life ever before. Not trying to boast, but that shows how much I love math! <3 Well, to my juniors, pls do well for math while you still can because come to think of it, secondary school math is really nothing except some harder topics like differentiation which requires more practices.
But I got over it after I found out that only EXACTLY 1/3 of the class pass math. Still disappointing looking at the C but at least I know C may.... MAY... be good enough...., FOR NOW. I can do better!
Then come ECONS. HAHAHAH. I really hate econs.... It's the worst. I hate it because I don't understand a thing from it and I find it a hassle to memorise all the things. Econs, is just like another ARTS subject to me. Well, I honestly don't expect my ECONS to be good since the start because I came to JC with a C6 for Humanities ((ARTS! ><)) My memory is just worse than anyone else's. That's just the sad truth :(
I obviously scored a U. When I saw the class results, I can't help but burst out laughing because it was that BAD. Not just because my result was bad but the class' result was horrible, HORRIBLE. Never seen such lousy results before.
My U, was bad. But, comparing to the class' results, I'm glad I didn't spend too much time studying econs.
And yes, I'm that kind of person. When I want to do something, I make sure it's something I like and I put in my BEST EFFORT. But if it's not something I want to do and it's not something that I like, I will just put in MINIMAL or NO effort because I think I'm just wasting my time. And that's econs.
I still love math and will continue to love it even though result was not that good. More importantly, I know I did my best and I left no regrets. ((except the carelessness made in my paper))
For ECONS, I really regret taking it as my H1! I don't know what to do now. But even if I'm given a chance to change my H1 subject, I also don't know what to choose because I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY HATE ARTS SUBJECTS.
That's my class econs results. This is how bad it is. Only 1 passed. Others, U. Thank God I slept at 11 the night before econs exam and didn't waste time on it. I HATE YOU!
Still waiting for GP and chinese results at the moment (:
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